Learn to swim now!

Swimming Courses
for Children and Adults

Effective swimming courses from $300 per person.
Experienced instructors, safe swimming pool.
We cordially invite you!

$300.00 / person
$350.00 / person
I nostri corsi


0 enrolled
28x lesson
Long Avenue 36
New Yersey, CA 96120
Don't hesitate to call

Swimming classes are held in small groups

Find out more

Health, Safety, and Learning
Through Having Fun

The Swim Academy school conducts classes for both children and adults in the field of swimming, diving as well as aqua aerobics. Perfectly trained staff in a calm and pleasant atmosphere will make each participant of the course overcome the fear of water and learn various swimming techniques so that they can choose their favorite one.

Why you should trust us?

Experienced Trainers
Competitions Won
Recommends Our School
Il nostro appuntamento fisso


Competizione di nuoto pinnato che, già dalle 4° edizione diventata sempre di più una vera festa dello sport, aperta a tutti gli atleti ma con particolare attenzione alla fascia di età giovanile compresa dagli 8 ai 18 anni. Dopo anni di assenza del nuoto pinnato Regionale finalmente sta prendendo piede questo bellissimo movimento portando oltre alle società sarde, varie delegazioni da diverse regione e città e alcuni atleti provenienti dal resto d'Europa ( Ondanomala Lecce - Guardia di Finanza Emilia Romagna - Asd Sparta Avellino e Finswimming Team Zagabria), tra i numerosi atleti erano presenti anche alcuni nomi di spicco : l'atleta Tommaso Scano (5 ori e 5 record del mondo nell'ultimo Campionato Mondiale Parlalimpico di Nuoto Pinnato svoltosi lo scorso il 17 e 18 Novembre, Angelo Sciacca (Argento coppa del mondo - Golden Final ), Simone Murru ( 3 ori e 3 record del mondo nell'ultimo Campionato Mondiale di Apnea Endurance a Belgrado ). Per questa edizione abbiamo pensato fosse importantissimo utilizzare il nuoto pinnato come mezzo prevenzione valorizzando lo sport come sano e corretto stile di vita per una prevenzione e lotta contro i tumori. La promozione della manifestazione è stata fatta tramite i Social e Media con l'utilizzo della mittente radiofonica regionale Radio Sintony e dopo il termine continuerà a rimbalzare grazie a vari articoli Stampa regionali. L'intero importo incassato grazie a tutte le iscrizioni sarà totalmente devoluto in beneficenza alla LILT ( LEGA ITALIANA PER LA LOTTA CONTRO I TUMORI ). A presenziare durante tutta la manifestazione è stato il Dott. Carlo Cabula (chirurgo senologo e Presidente LILT) che, con diversi interventi ha sensibilizzato tutti i presenti sull'argomento.

Pool Classes

Explore Our Services

Do you want to learn to swim? We teach swimming from the very beginning, where
our instructors approach everyone with patience and understanding.

Swimming Classes

Individual Lessons

Water Aerobics

Swimming Camps

Go to our services page.

Learn More

We Focus on Development

We constantly strive to develop and change for the better. Not only our ideas count, but also the satisfaction of our students learning to swim. We greatly appreciate all your feedback.

We organize new types of pool activities. We train by participating in various courses and learning about new trends in swimming lessons. We update our website on regular basis to include more valuable information, e.g. we systematically publish articles on our blog to help parents.

Experienced staff

We all have one thing in common: a passion for sport and unique approach.

Modern methods

We work with pure passion for sport and the desire to promote an active lifestyle.

Personal Development

We participate in various courses and learn about new trends in swimming teaching.

We Rock.

Explore Classes

Whether you want to introduce your infant to the water or are an adult looking to
learn to swim, we offer a variety of swimming classes for all skill levels.

Vedi più corsi. Vai alla lista completa

Our Philosophy

Passionate Character Building
in One Stroke at a Time

Every square inch of our unique facility is designed to improve learning, fun and safety for every child and parent who joins the Swim Academy family.

You feel it the moment you walk in. Something else. It's more than just vivid colors that inspire kids. More than a curriculum designed not only to teach children to swim, but also to build their character through guided play. More than a thrill-free swimming pool. There is more. Something unexpected. Something that drives Swim Academy school beyond the usual.

Passion & Skills

Meet the Team

Our school currently has over a dozen qualified swimming instructors. We all have
one thing in common: a passion for sport and a unique approach to children.



Tecnico allenatore


Tecnico allenatore


Tecnico allenatore


Tecnico allenatore


Tecnico allenatore


Lates News

From the Blog

The latest news about what is happening in our pool.
Advice for parents and our swimmers.

20 Ago 2021

Discover Benefits of Swimming Lessons for Kids

Swimming lessons are still one of the most popular extracurricular activities that children enjoy. Parents [...]
17 Ago 2021

How Swimming Lessons Help Kids With Stress & Anxiety

Nowadays, children face so many problems both at school and at home. Swimming can serve [...]
25 Giu 2021

How to Motivate Yourself to Swim?

Physical activity is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. More and more people realize [...]

See more posts. Go to the blog
